Knowing where you stand in your retirement is important for a successful and long-lasting retirement.

Click below and take the first step in finding out if you have enough:

HomeTown Financial Partners is focused on preserving and protecting your assets, growing them at a reasonable rate of return, and when needed, have an income stream you cannot outlive.


Our goal is to provide information, education, and strategies to make sure our clients and their families have the financial planning tools they need to achieve a successful and worry free retirement.

We focus on a variety of retirement strategies, and our goal is to help minimize losses in down years while producing market-like returns during good years. When you are ready for a retirement income stream, your money will be available and you will maintain control of your assets. Sound too good to be true? Let’s talk, and we’ll show you what’s possible.

Click below to schedule your Complimentary Retirement Income Analysis today!

Avoid the 5 most costly mistakes…

made with Pension’s & 401(k)’s. 

Click  to get your FREE Decision Guide NOW!

Chris King, Owner

Chris founded HomeTown Financial Partners to help his clients achieve the financial peace of mind they deserve in retirement.  Chris knows what his clients need and is passionate about helping them gain clarity in their financial planning.

Our Process

We use a simple but comprehensive process to help our clients feel comfortable and cared for.  Learn more about what to expect at your first appointment in our office by clicking below.